With the uprising of a more casual dress code and the increasing popularity of sneakers even in the high fashion world, the need for high quality sneaker care has been given. While many appreciate how well made leather shoes age over time, this might not account for sneakers that look their best fresh out of the box.
The materials used by luxury brands for their sneaker line often are delicate high quality leathers that are also found on their classic shoes, so to maintain their original look and to offer a genuinely specialised product range Saphir Médaille d’Or has introduced the Sneaker Care Range.
This range of products has been developed in cooperation with prestigious luxury brands especially for their sneakers with the same unparalleled standards as all other Médaille d’Or Products.
Since Sneakers require different care than classic leather shoes, the Sneaker Care Range offers 4 individual products that each serve one specific purpose when taking care of your sneakers.
1. The Foam CleanerThe Foam Cleaner is free from any harmful chemicals and can be used to clean not only smooth leathers but every material you might find on sneakers. Whether it is smooth leather, suede, nubuck, nappa, stretch, mesh, textiles or crepe. |
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2. Technical Cleaning Cloths
The Technical Cleaning Cloths have been developed to easily remove dirt while still being gentle enough to not damage any material.
3. The Deep Cleaner
The Deep Cleaner is a unique natural product that is free from any harmful chemicals or resins. This is important since the materials used on sneakers can react strongly to certain chemicals. The Polyurethane used for the soles can for example change color when exposed to strong solvents.
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4. The Protector Spray
After you have cleaned your Sneakers and have let them dry the Protector Spray will prevent them from being soiled again. Its water based formula will create a protective layer on the surface that shields your sneakers against dirt and grease.
Because we avoided any use of butan or petroleum gases the protector spray doesn’t harm the environment and even better doesn’t harm your health. It is absolutely safe to be used indoors since it works only with compressed air.
Because it is so efficient the Protector Spray can also be used on normal shoes, raincoats and umbrellas.
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